Junior Prom: A Night to Remember!


Sophie Levine, Editor

Ever since I was a little girl, I remember dreaming of the day when I would be able to go to prom. It was always this intangible, unreachable event, something for the “big kids.” I wouldn’t even be close to that age for years. I imagined what it would be like when I was finally a teenager and got to dress up like those pretty girls in the rom-com movies I watched countless times. Their hair twirled into beautiful updos. Their dresses sparkled on the dance floor. It was a magical vision. So, when the day finally arrived, I was beyond excited. But underneath the excitement, I felt almost confused, shocked. This couldn’t be right. How could I be old enough to go to prom? It was a wake-up call that we are growing up, and fast. So, I was not only able to experience a fun night with friends, I was also reminded of the speed of time and just how quickly high school flies by. As Ferris Bueller said, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”

Junior Prom this year was hosted at Tavistock Country Club right here in Haddonfield. The event took place on Friday, April 29th, at 7 pm, although many groups of friends gathered beforehand to take pictures with dates and friends. Emma Kubikian hosted full grade pre-prom pictures at her house at 6 pm, and most people headed over to the dance from there.

When we arrived at prom, we had 45 minutes to casually socialize and enjoy appetizers before the real dinner started. It was especially nice because the sun was just starting to set, and since Tavistock has a balcony, lots of people went outside to enjoy the beautiful weather and catch more pictures with the golden hour glow. Dinner was served next, a buffet-style meal of pasta, salad, chicken, meatballs, fruit, and mac and cheese. It was followed by an incredible waffle sundae bar, complete with ice cream and toppings, of course. For the rest of the evening, students filled the dance floor or enjoyed the cool night air out on the balcony. 

Honestly, I think one of the best parts of the night was seeing the bonding between my classmates. Everyone was so complimentary of one another’s outfits, and it was nice to see people that don’t usually talk to one another having conversations. We were able to let our guards down. When you’re on the dance floor, you don’t care who is next to you, all you know is that you are together and having fun. One of our grade’s wonderful traits is our ability to come together as a group. I think most would agree that when we do something, we do it full out, and that night, we definitely did not let our reputation down.

I wanted to get some inside opinions about what my classmates thought of the night…

Joseph Keegan expressed, “The food was EXCELLENT. Everyone looked so cute and the vibes were so amazing. I had a blast getting to hang out with my grade again. But we need better air conditioning next time!”

Ava Keenan added: “It was a lot of fun. It was so exciting to see everyone dressed up! It was super cool that we got to meet up at Emma’s beforehand for pictures and then head over together to Tavistock. I also just loved prom itself! The music was awesome, and everybody seemed like they were having a really good time.”

Rebecca Li shared her thoughts, too: “It was so fun! The food was great, and the music was pretty good. I don’t think I’ve ever danced so much in my life. Before I knew it, the night was over!”

Overall, I thought junior prom was a blast, and I know my classmates would agree. A night filled with music, dancing, good food, and friends? What’s not to love?