Soul Review

January 14, 2021
With powerful themes and an inspiring message, director Pete Docter’s Soul is a new classic added to Disney Pixar’s repertoire. The beautiful, intricate animation of Soul is reminiscent of Docter’s previous film Inside Out, for the setting and character designs are eye-catchingly vibrant. Disney Pixar also succeeds in creating a completely original world that embraces the creativity of its animators to the point where the film feels like an artistic experiment. Jamie Fox and Tina Fey’s voice acting help bring their characters life, making them extremely engaging, entertaining and relatable. Jon Batiste, bandleader on the Tonight Show With Stephan Colbert, composed the original jazz music featured throughout Soul, and it perfectly compliments the major themes and visuals of the film. Docter’s Soul is also revolutionary in animation, for it is the first Pixar film featuring a black lead character; jazz musician Joe Gardner. With the hardships that came with 2020, Soul provides a fantastic escape that was capable of tackling some of humanity’s biggest existential questions. Overall, Docter’s Soul deserves an A+ for being a progressive, imaginative film that will inspire audiences of all ages.