HMHS’s Resident Genius Set to Retire
June 14, 2023
If you ask any HMHS student in the last 21 years about Dr. Sohn, you will likely hear about how inspiring a teacher he is. Sure, teaching was not his first career, but Dr. Sohn is a natural educator, inciting a passion for chemistry in all of his students. In fact, Dr. Sohn stated that his favorite HMHS memory was “the times that former students have told me about their current successes and plans, and how they appreciate the preparation that I gave them.” But, after so many years, Dr. Sohn is ready to pass the torch and begin retirement.
Dr. Sohn started working in research and development at AT&T, and put in 22 years at the Lucent Bell Labs in Princeton. An extraordinary scientist, he contributed to various projects including “nonlinear optical materials, material and process development and reliability for environmentally conscious manufacturing, and demonstrating a manufacturing process for cell phones.”
“I really love how much he cares about carefully explaining everything so we understand it,” remarked Claudia Fisicaro, a current student of Dr. Sohn’s, on how his past experience has helped his teaching methods, “He’s also incredibly patient and really funny.”
In his time here, Dr. Sohn has become an integral part of the school community. Whether it be dressing up with the rest of the science department on Back to the Future Day in 2015, or merely spreading his experience and knowledge to the next generation, Dr. Sohn never fails to contribute to students’ fondest memories. “I especially appreciate the extra time he took with me so we could write out and solve acid/base problems on the whiteboard together,” reminisced Ryan Cataldo, a junior who had him both for accelerated chemistry and AP chemistry. When asked if he had any last bits of wisdom he would like to impart, Dr. Sohn reestablished the mantra of his classroom: “Ask questions, find solutions, persevere.”
In building an environment where students could get excited about science and not have to fear being wrong, countless students decided to try chemistry where they might not have before. “He’s such a great teacher and makes chemistry class super fun,” commented Evelyn Bisirri, another one of Dr. Sohn’s accelerated chemistry pupils. I think it’s fair to say that we’re all going to miss you, Dr. Sohn, but we appreciate all you’ve done for our school and hope you have a wonderful retirement!