Farewell to Haddonfield’s SMARTest Teacher
June 1, 2023
In September of 1989, HMHS welcomed a new member to the school community: Ms. Julia Smart. For thirty-four years she contributed her bright ideas to the English department, changing students’ lives and teaching them about the importance of the written word. But, after this school year, Ms. Smart’s time at HMHS is coming to a close. It’s time to celebrate the retirement and career of this amazing teacher!
Ms. Smart came to work here after two years at Haddon Township, joining her father, who worked in the athletic department. “I really loved being able to come to school with all three of my children (classes of 2015, 2017, and 2021),” she explained, further showing her family connectedness to the school, “And if it wasn’t for HMHS, I may not have ever met my husband, who was a student teacher here in the science department!”
Like everyone who’s walked these halls, Ms. Smart has both good and hilarious memories. There was even a time where Ms. Gould, the yoga instructor and a gym teacher here at HMHS, decorated the entire school in celebration of Ms. Smart’s 50th birthday!
In her retirement, Ms. Smart plans to travel (now that she isn’t restricted to school holiday time) and become a field hockey official. For some parting advice, Ms. Smart urges her students to “find something you are passionate about and turn it into a profession.” Thank you Ms. Smart for all the time you put into HMHS, and we wish you the best in your adventures to come!