Seniors Finally Get to Go to Prom
Photo Courtesy of Mrs. Dickstein-Hughes
Mrs. Dickstein-Hughes and members of the Class of 2021 strike a pose outside the Mansion
June 3, 2021
Last Thursday, May 27th, the Senior Prom took place at the Mansion on Main Street in Voorhees. After a whole year of uncertainty regarding this event and whether it would occur, seniors were thrilled to be able to spend the night with their friends. The restrictions on who could attend were lifted as well, so students who wanted to bring a date from another grade or school were able to.

As more and more students are getting vaccinated, the risk of spreading COVID-19 is continuously decreasing. However, in order to be the most safe, the venue was both indoors and outdoors, so seniors could easily be spaced without worrying too much about the spread of the virus. Additionally, the Promenade was moved from the courtyard to the stadium. This allowed parents to sit in the stands, distanced and safe from one another, as opposed to being crowded together in the courtyard. Instead of walking down the courtyard, each senior walked with his or her date down the track after being announced and stopped to pose for a photo.
For many seniors, this was their first prom because of the cancellation of their Junior Prom last year. Many girls had had their dresses for over a year, and were planning on wearing them to last year’s prom. Seniors lost many things this year. Their pep rally. Their senior trip. However, having a prom allowed them to have some sense of normalcy for the end of their senior year and some fun together before they graduate. Hopefully as life continues to return to normal, the seniors will be able to celebrate their accomplishments of the past four years in the ways they always imagined.