Junior Join Together at The Flying W for Prom

June 2, 2021
One year ago on May 14, 2020, the Class of 2021 sat in their houses dreaming about dancing and seeing everyone all dressed up. A year has passed and now it was the Class of 2022’s turn for a Junior Prom. Thankfully there was a population of the class of 2021 who were able to attend.
During the months leading up to prom, girls would save pictures of hair, make up and dress ideas on their Pinterest. An Instagram page was started that showcased each girl’s dress to make sure no one had a copy. When the day finally came a majority of the junior class left school to prepare themselves for the huge night. Girls getting their hair and nails done and boys picking out a tuxedo. People were able to meet up in small factions and take lovely pictures with their dates and friends. The venue they chose for this year was quite unique, an airport! The Flying W which is located in Medford and has a strip that had active planes taking off and landing. Everything was pretty spread out – perfect for Covid times and there were many activities such as dancing, eating from food trucks, some even choose to play volleyball. Many people were just happy to see each other and to see our classmates all dressed up was a sight to see.