Good Easy and Effective College Exposure

Sophia Lombardo, Goodall Ambassador, Writer is a tool for all high school students that can be used in a variety of ways. By joining the site and your school’s team of students, you can post your in-school as well as your out-of-school achievements, including sports, clubs, volunteer work, jobs, as well as others, in order to have the colleges on the site look at your profile. You can choose which colleges and universities you’re aiming for and once you are recognized on the site, those colleges will be looking at what you’ve accomplished. In addition, every month, one student with many outstanding achievements is recognized and is awarded a $1,000 scholarship towards college. Along with that, once you are on the site for a while, you may have a chance at a limited position in your school’s Goodwall Ambassador team, which means you get to help promote Goodwall to your school and in return, you will be awarded achievements, including the ultimate prize of a choice between a $1,000 scholarship and a paid internship in Geneva, Switzerland at Goodwall’s headquarters if your school reaches #1 (HMHS is currently at #24 of 2500+ schools)! Being an ambassador also looks great on a college application because it shows that you have been practicing your business and social skills with your peers.

If you want to get started on the site, feel free to do so yourself at, and if you’re having trouble, please contact Sophia Lombardo (10th grade), our primary ambassador in our school whose job is to help you with the site, at [email protected] or feel free to approach her if you see her around.