Scooby Doo is a franchise that has been around for over fifty years and is still being continued. Despite all the variations it has, Scooby Doo Mystery-Incorporated is the one that stands out from the rest. It was created in 2010 and had two successful seasons. It follows the usual group, Fred, Daphne, Shaggy, Scooby, and Velma solving mysteries. Every episode is a different mystery, like all the other adaptations. However, there is also a central mystery of their town and the families they are following through the span of the seasons. It has many plot twists and recurring villains, something that is different in a Scooby Doo show. This show is by far the greatest Scooby Doo adaptation and it was completely ahead of its time.
Mystery Incorporated is far superior for multiple reasons. The biggest is the fact of the plot itself. At that time no Scooby Doo series had a following plot that followed throughout the entire show. It was usually a different plot in each episode, with maybe some recurring themes or relationships but it usually ended there. Another factor was the character development seen in each character. While usually each character is given their stereotypical role and they stick with it, we get to see more of these characters grow in their own way. Fred was the biggest, as the show progressed watchers saw him become more accepting of his feelings. While in the beginning he always seemed hesitant to express them. Next is Daphne, who is usually displayed as the stereotypical dumb girl, but in this, she is a much better character that the audience can relate with. Then Shaggy and Scooby, known for their cowardice, it was interesting to see moments towards the end where they stepped out of it. Lastly Velma, she always had a very straight view of the world and the mysteries, always knowing they were fake. But when supernatural elements start to appear, she begins to develop a more open-minded view of other possibilities. While plot and character development are the big ones, there are smaller more relatable aspects of the show too. Like home issues, parental control, death, and normal high school drama. Although it does not have the advantage of the nostalgia most want when watching Scooby Doo, it offers something better.
I recommend Scooby Doo Mystery Incorporated over the other series. Although the movies may be a different story, Mystery Inc. is a TV series that is incredible when one looks closely. The foreshadowing, script and small details bring it all together, making this show so great.